
Speed Up & Increase your Internet Connection!!! No Software needed..

This tweak will help web pages load faster, it has no real effect on download speeds,
just helps your pc look up websites faster thereby speeding up how fast the page loads and making web-surfing more enjoyable.

Tried and tested

Windows XP & Windows 7
Go to this site to see your current internet speed:
Choose a server, for example: SEATTLE, WA.
Remember the RESULT to compare your result before and after you do this tweaks.

Faster Web Page Loading:

Navigate to this registry entry and change the following settings:

For XP & 2K

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Tcpip\ServiceProvider

For 98, 98SE & ME

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\VxD\MSTCP\ServiceProvider

On the right for ALL OS's change these entries: (ALL values are HEXIDECIMAL)

DnsPriority = 1
HostsPriority = 1
LocalPriority = 1
NetbtPriority = 1

To change the value right click on the value and select modify and enter the values above.


go to start>run>regedit>then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Tcpip\Parameters

right click anywhere in the left side of the window then select NEW DWORD, then input the dword name, after the new registry entry is made, double click it and input the dword value....

dword name- SackOpts dword value-00000001
dword name- TcpWindowSize dword value-0005ae4c
dword name- Tcp1323Opts dword value-00000003
dword name- DefaultTTL dword value-00000040
dword name- EnablePMTUBHDetect dword value-00000000
dword name- EnablePMTUDiscovery dword value-00000001
dword name- GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize dword value-0005ae4c

NOTE:  Make sure that you have a backup,Before you start this Tweaks.


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